Friday, May 18, 2012 10:20 PM
South Korea ♥ Part 5
Hey guys! How are you doing?
I've got a lil time to spare after doing house chores. So here you go, Part 5 of my South Korea trip, which is also the last one.
For Part 1 to 4, click :
Day 6 (24th August 2011) - Seoul
It was the last day for us to shop in Seoul so we headed to Myeong Dong after having bbq pork for brunch at that ahjumma's place that's near the back door of the hotel we were staying.
Ahh.... It'd be awesome if I could have some now~
Anyways, we went to Myeong Dong via taxi as well.
This useful map that we got from one of the girls that was giving out maps to tourists or passerby from Dong Dae Mun the other night.
Here we go!
It was around 10-11am in the morning and the morning crowd, mostly tourists, can be seen! Migliore Department Store's on the left with a stage right outside it and construction of some building on the right.
And of course, spotted JYJ!
One of the many streets in Myeong Dong!
Not much people yet. Mostly Japanese or mainland Chinese tourists.
Snsd and Super Junior's posters behind the cashiers at SPAO.
To Snsd's fans, here you go~
Super Junior's leader, Lee Teuk~
Check out the red notice there! LOL! Photo zone!
And yes I did take a photo there but that picture will never be put up here ;)
Siwon from Super Junior.
I can imagine my friend, a die hard fan of Siwon, screaming already!
We bought a few t-shirts from SPAO and they're quite comfy! Price range is BND 20-40.
Etude House! Sooo cute!
Look at the chinese words! Masks are buy 1 free 1!!
Weather got really hot so................
Ice cream time!
I think it was green tea flavour.
Lotte Young Plaza
Didn't go there. *reminds self to go there next time*
Didn't go here as well.
Haha I knowwwww... check out the increased crowd! They're all waiting to cross the road.
Anyways, you'll never go hungry around Myeong Dong cos street food is everywhere! They are all awesome if you can tolerate spicy food. It's not that spicy actually! Ok, maybe I am used to our spicy food here. Hehe... one of the joy of travelling is of course, tasting new food!
Korean candy~
뽑기 (bbobki)
Sorry ahjumma... I couldn't see the screen of my phone properly with the blazing sun.
I think the
ahjumma here is the same. Yes? ^^
If you happen to go to Myeong Dong, you HAVE TO visit this cafe!
Cafe Coin~
It's another random cafe that we went to and let me tell you, it's also a place that keeps on appearing at the back of my mind until today! Cousin said the same thing too!
The interior of the cafe which is tucked on the 4th floor! Yeap, you have to climb 4 flights of stairs in one breath but trust me, there'll be no regrets.
Lots of Japanese customers!
More seats on the upper floor! Was wondering why we could hear voices!
This has got to be the yummiest and fluffiest tiramisu ever!!!!! OMGGGGG
*in heaven*
To this day, I have yet to find one that can be its rival.
Totally made up for all the energy needed to climb up the stairs!
Ps: this tiramisu has been asianised ;)
And this, is the most delicious fantastic awesome oishii green tea pattbingsu ever!
*in heaven again*
Shared between 4 of us.
Can't wait for August to go back there again!
Then....more shopping and sightseeing!
Holika Holika~
Some gothic street performance outside Forever 21.
Performers froze when the music stopped.
Forever 21 !!!
3 floors! Kept us for almost an hour in there! :)
Or was it 4? :P
Anyway, the price of the things here is cheaper than those in KL! Why? Shouldn't they be the same?
It's getting even crowded! You get to see more Koreans now.
The Body Shop and Zara.
Nine West and another Etude House.
It got darker and you get more eye candies ^^
The ahjumma's still there! Great business I'd say!
Yeap, it's definitely getting dark.
Got clothes and lots of other stuff but there's something that I really had to get and that's.......
Kpop albums!!!
Jang Geun Seuk again! :)
In the CD store above Nature Repubilc~
My hauls!
Was tired after almost a day of shopping so we sat at the pavement outside Nature Republic. HAHA no wonder Koreans are so slim! They just walk and walk and never sit down! No chairs to be seen at all!
This drink's gooood! ♥♥♥
Had it while waiting for my friend who I was to meet over for dinner.
She's currently a post graduate student in one of the universities in Seoul.
I'm going to meet her this August again! YAY! and double YAY cos I'll be meeting another close friend! XD

One way of attracting customers, display
mannequins real guys!
Hmmm.... ^^
Friend finally arrived after her classes and off we went to scout out a place for dinner!
Yeap! Some random place again.
Can you see Tony Moly? Their facial masks are quite good!
We chose a Korean restaurant that's underground. Too bad none of us remember the name of that place!
It's some seafood hot pot where you have noodles and seafood cooked over at the table. Soup tasted like ramyun's soup.
Cheese kimchi fried rice on the left and fried fish cakes.
Really yummy kimchi fried rice! ♥♥
Sam gye tang! Chicken and ginseng soup!
Really goooood!! ♥♥♥
It was an awesome dinner. Good companion over good food.
What more can I ask for in life?
Too bad our trip was too short and our timing's slightly off. We were in Seoul on weekdays and friend's got classes everyday. Or else we could have spent more time with my friend. Never mind, this August it is!!
4 floors of Dunkin' Donuts'!
Fans of DD would be ecstatic!
Good things always come to and end. After spending a few hours catching up with my friend, we had to go back to our hotel to do our packing.
*hugs friend*
Until we meet again...
The hotel that we stayed in! What happened to 'T'?
We packed our stuff and even had
sundae for supper. I don't think I will ever try sundae again. Not my type of food. It's for daring people.
Day 7 (25th August 2011) - Seoul, Kuala Lumpur & Miri
We slept for only 2-3 hours before getting up at 4ish. Took a pre-booked taxi to Incheon Airport at 5am cos our flight was at 8am. We reached the airport at around 6am.
Note to self, get to the airport earlier next time cos there's tonnes of shops to shop!!
Had these for breakfast at the airport. The most expensive meal in South Korea so far. Well, it's airport food! Don't remember what it was cos it wasn't nice. Sorry food.
Bye bye Seoul! See you again~
We spent our whole day up in the air again. It was Seoul to Kuala Lumpur to Miri.
That's the end of my South Korea trip last August. It was a great trip filled with lots of adventure since we didn't plan much on where to eat or what to do except for the day tour in Jeju. We love randomness cos we love to expect the unexpected. The thrill of discovering new food and places fueled us everyday. Now that I've known a lil more about Seoul, I can't wait to re-visit it again this August! About 3 more months to go! Yeay!
Posts on my trips to Kuala Lumpur (December 2011) and Melbourne (March 2012) will be coming up next! Stay tune guys!
Have a lovely weekend all~
I am all excited for this Sunday's NBT Treasure Hunt! It's all girls team this year! Woots!
I've joined the 13th(Pirates themed) and 14th(Environment themed) hunt and this year, I am joining the 15th hunt which is cartoon themed! Interesting!
NBT, why has the goody bag shrink? Hmmm....
G'night all~
PS: Photos from this post belong to my cousin and I. Thanks cuz! We shall set out for another adventure soon!
Labels: bbobki, coin cafe, etude house, food, forever 21, holika holika, hotel pj, myeong dong, nbt treasure hunt, sam gye tang, seoul, south korea, spao, tony moly, travels